Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Would your readers be more comfortable if you called it an email newsletter?

Blogs?! Feeds?! Atom?! RSS?!

Jargon. Unfamiliar to many, off-putting to some.

So get real. Know your audience. What's in a name, after all? What would they call it? A newsletter, perhaps?

Then do it! Change what you call it. Consider these two possible reactions from a non-blog reader (that's 90% of the population, more or less):

  • What's a blog? Feed? Isn't that awfully narcissitic? And a little scary? Kids do that, right? No thanks - not for me.
  • A regular newsletter? Contact when something I want is updated? Relevant? Timely? Sure! How do I get started?

You get the idea. Word things the way your audience wants to hear them.


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